THURSDAY 24th OCT 1pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)

Please convert 1pm EDT to your own countries timezone

Our website is temporarily closed so we can work on restocking our jewelry and launching our new jewelry collection!

Sign up to our newsletter to be announced as soon as our website is open for the launch

Thank you 🌿🍄


When we launch new jewelry we have hundreds of photos that need editing and uploading along with updates on our website.

This requires us to temporarily close our store in order to be able to get everything ready for the launch!

Yes. All previously sold out products will be restocked.

When we launch new jewelry we also restock everything else that was sold out.

Our website will be open on Thursday 24th Oct at 1pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)

Its important to be notified when we launch because some items can sell out fast.

You can sign up to our email list below to receive an email as soon as we launch

Be sure to follow us on instagram @evergreenmoonshop because we have a live countdown timer before the launch